Your Guide to Handling Hail Damage: Steps to Take


Hail damage poses significant risks and can have a detrimental impact on both homes and businesses. When hailstones strike, they can cause severe structural damage to roofs, siding, windows, and other vulnerable areas. The impact of hail can result in punctures, cracks, and dents, compromising the integrity of these components. Over time, this damage can lead to leaks, water infiltration, and mold growth, causing further structural deterioration and potential health hazards.

Acting promptly and proactively in the face of suspected hail damage is crucial to mitigate these risks. Taking immediate action by inspecting the property, documenting the damage, and contacting professionals can help prevent further deterioration, safeguard occupants, and minimize repair costs in the long run. By being proactive, you can promptly address hail damage and ensure your home or business’s long-term safety and stability.

How To Tell If You Have Hail Damage To Your Property

Hail damage can leave behind telltale signs that indicate its impact on your home or business. Here are some common signs and visual indicators to look out for in different areas:




Gutters and Downspouts:

Outdoor Property:

Remember, the hailstorm’s size and intensity can influence the damage severity. While some home or business damage may be easily visible, it’s essential to conduct a thorough inspection, including checking for hidden or less obvious damage. If you suspect hail damage, it’s advisable to consult a professional contractor, like C-U Under Construction, who can assess the extent of the damage and provide expert advice on necessary repairs.

Suspect Hail Damage? What to do next.

When you suspect hail damage to your home or business, it’s crucial to take immediate action to address the situation effectively. Here are some immediate steps that home or business owners should take:

Document The Damage

It is essential to act quickly and document the hail damage thoroughly. Grab your camera or smartphone as soon as possible and take clear, detailed photographs of the affected areas from multiple angles and close-ups. Make sure to capture any visible cracks, dents, or other signs of damage on roofs, siding, windows, or outdoor property. These photographs and videos will be crucial evidence for insurance claims and discussions with contractors. Remember, it’s better to have too many photos than not enough. Don’t hesitate to document the damage as extensively as possible, even if local responders and your insurance company also take pictures. These records will be invaluable for your own records and to ensure a smooth claims process.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

In the event of hail damage, you must notify your insurance company to initiate the claims process promptly. Contact them as soon as possible, describing the damage you’ve encountered and sharing any relevant photographs you’ve taken. By promptly informing your insurance company, you allow them to assess the situation and guide you through the necessary steps for filing a claim. It is crucial to comply with the instructions provided by your insurance company regarding the claims process and any required documentation. By following their guidance closely, you can ensure a smooth and efficient process and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation for the hail damage you have experienced. Clear communication and proactive cooperation with your insurance company are key to a successful claim resolution.

Filing an insurance claim for hail damage involves several important steps. Here’s a breakdown of the process and some helpful tips to guide you through it:

  1. Understand Coverage Policies: Familiarize yourself with your insurance policy’s coverage for hail damage. Review the terms and conditions, deductibles, limits, and any exclusions. Understanding what is covered and what may not be covered under your policy is important.
  2. Cooperate with Adjusters: Once your claim is submitted, an insurance adjuster will be assigned to assess the damage and determine the claim amount. Cooperate with the adjuster by providing access to your property and answering any questions they may have.
  3. Document Repairs and Expenses: Keep records of all repairs and expenses related to the hail damage, including receipts, invoices, and contractor agreements. This documentation will be essential for reimbursement and tracking the progress of repairs.
    Schedule a Professional Inspection

When you suspect hail damage, connecting with reputable contractors specializing in repairs is important. Take the initiative to reach out to qualified professionals with ample experience in dealing with such issues. Request a professional inspection to thoroughly assess the extent of the damage and provide an accurate repair estimate. Collaborating with contractors with the necessary expertise and credentials is crucial to ensure that the repair work is carried out effectively and to a high standard. By selecting trustworthy and knowledgeable contractors, you can have confidence in the restoration process and the long-term durability of the repairs.

Temporary Repairs, If Necessary

By now, you have called your insurance company, and they have recommended restoration contractors. Taking prompt action can help mitigate additional damage. For instance, if you have broken windows, you can cover them with tarps or boards to provide temporary protection. Sealing any exposed areas is crucial to prevent water infiltration, which can exacerbate the damage. However, exercising caution and consulting with professionals is important before undertaking any temporary repairs. Seeking guidance from experienced experts ensures that the repairs are carried out safely and effectively, minimizing the risk of further complications. By taking swift and informed action, you can safeguard your property until permanent repairs can be implemented.

It is important to note that the contractor or board-up company you hire to secure your property may differ from the one you select for the renovation work. While the immediate priority is to secure the premises swiftly, you can take the time to research local construction companies for the restoration phase thoroughly. Don’t rush the selection process; invest time finding reputable contractors specializing in insurance and restoration work.

Keep Detailed Records

It is crucial to keep meticulous records throughout dealing with hail damage. Ensure to maintain a detailed record of all communication related to the damage, including the dates, names, and contact information of the individuals you interact with. This includes discussions with insurance representatives, contractors, and other relevant parties. Additionally, it is important to keep copies of all relevant documents, such as insurance policies, claim numbers, and repair estimates. These records serve as invaluable references and evidence throughout the claims process and can help ensure a smooth and organized resolution to the hail damage situation. By keeping thorough documentation, you can track the progress, stay informed, and have the necessary information readily available when needed.

By swiftly documenting the extent of the damage, reaching out to your insurance provider, and enlisting the expertise of qualified contractors, you can establish a seamless and streamlined process for addressing hail damage and commencing the essential repairs. Taking these immediate actions safeguards your property and facilitates smoother insurance claims. You can expedite the restoration process and effectively return your home or business to its pre-damaged state by promptly initiating the necessary steps. Acting decisively ensures that the necessary repairs are carried out efficiently, minimizing further risks or complications.

Hiring a Professional Contractor

When selecting a reputable contractor experienced in hail damage repairs, we understand that the process can feel overwhelming, especially in the face of sudden damage to your home. That’s why C-U Under Construction provides the guidance and support you need in Champaign-Urbana and the surrounding regions. If you find yourself in Central Illinois, call us at 217-954-0385.

At C-U Under Construction, we have a wealth of experience handling hundreds of restoration claims and specialize in emergency repairs and restoration for residential and commercial properties. When you reach out to us, there’s no need to worry about shocking or surprising us with the details of your situation. We’ve seen it all before and have helped numerous homeowners and business owners quickly and efficiently.

With a dedicated restoration department that works closely with insurance companies, we can guide you through the claims process. As the largest residential remodeling company in the area, we have the expertise and resources to make your home beautiful again. Rest assured, we are licensed, insured, and have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. Additionally, our Google Guaranteed status provides an extra layer of assurance. We stand behind our workmanship and have served the community for over seventeen years. Our in-house plumbing, HVAC, and electrical companies ensure your project runs smoothly.

While our remodeling calendar is often booked out for months, we prioritize space in our schedule to handle emergency restoration cases promptly. We have established relationships with all major insurance carriers in the area and are well-versed in the necessary paperwork for the claims process.

Contact C-U Under Construction Today!

When it comes to addressing hail damage, time is of the essence. Acting swiftly and proactively can make a significant difference in the outcome. Remember to document the damage thoroughly, promptly contact your insurance provider, and engage qualified contractors specializing in hail damage repairs. Keep detailed records of all communication, repairs, and expenses throughout the process. Understanding your insurance coverage and following the necessary steps can help facilitate a smooth and efficient claims process. Don’t hesitate to contact C-U Under Construction for assistance with your hail damage restoration needs. Our experienced team is ready to help you navigate the process and restore your home or business.



1153 County Road 1200 East

Champaign, IL 61822


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License Numbers:

Roofing License: #104-017664

Plumbing License: #055-043406